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, by Simin Lalevish. Pasaulis Kompiuteryje 9-11 2 dalis . Vertybs, spr žiai, jei skaityti. Pasaulis Kompiuteryje. InformacinÄ s. Minimizovana âLoka linkiâ ctirža âÅ“5â.Alois Hristovec Alois Hristovec (; 9 January 1887 – 13 June 1950) was a Slovenian poet, novelist, editor and translator, considered a member of the Modernists. He was the poet of the National Revival Movement. Hristovec was born in the town of Novo Mesto, then part of the Austrian Empire (in present-day Slovenia). He finished his studies in Maribor and Vienna, and he studied law in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia at the time. He then worked as a lawyer. Hristovec wrote only three poems before he published his first novel, Isti na kraju vremena in pogledi (Same at the end of time and visions) in 1908. He has been called the founder of the modern Slovenian novel. Isti na kraju vremena and its prequel, Znano vino v New Yorku (Known wine in New York), were published in 1909 and 1910 respectively. The novel marked Hristovec’s own turn toward modernism, as he rejected the Romantic-nationalist literary trends of the time in favor of radical modern aesthetics. In 1911 he started a lifelong friendship with the poet and writer Tihan Avčin. The two would later become two of the leading members of the Slovenian Modernists. Alois Hristovec was married to author Lucija Janez, with whom he had a daughter Celica. He was also a friend of Ljudmila Novak. Works Novels Isti na kraju vremena in pogledi (Same at the end of time and visions) (1908) Znano vino v New Yorku (Known wine in New York) (1909) Short stories � 6d1f23a050
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