Tareekh E Damishq In Urdu Pdf WORK Download
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Tareekh E Damishq In Urdu Pdf Download
Tareekh In Urdu. Description: Tareekh In Urdu. This is a free book that you can download and read online. Tareekh In Urdu PDF : Book Summary: Tareekh In Urdu Tareekh In Urdu Pdf Free Download: – Tareekh In Urdu: Tareekh E Damishq In Urdu Pdf Free Download: – Tareekh In Urdu: Tareekh E Damishq In Urdu Pdf Free Download: – Damishq Ibn Asakir: Tareekh E Damishq In Urdu Pdf Free Download:..Chemical-release tactics to safeguard crop production from radioactive contamination.
Fallout from nuclear accidents can be transported by wind in the form of radioactive particles, the precise form depending on the process of the accident. The most extreme possibilities are small particles blown by the wind and fallout not attached to particles. The wind can carry contaminants from the soil in the rhizosphere, upward along the stems and leaves and finally to the tops of plant parts. Plants can take up the particles and concentrate them either in leaf, in the epidermis or in the lumen of the stem; at the branch apex. The only way in which they can keep a part of this radioactivity inside the plant is to prevent its absorption by the leaf or by the stem. The absorption process depends primarily on the distribution of the constituents of the contaminated particles in the rhizosphere, the site where they come into direct contact with the soil. If the radioactivity is the same as that in the soil, there is a gradual concentration of the released radionuclides in the tissues of the plant. If a plant is damaged through natural or man-induced causes and the rhizosphere is contaminated, the absorption process may be quickly and completely changed. The absorbed radioactivity is stored in the plant, may be released again later or may result in increased dose after consumption. Reducing the intake of radioactive material through the plant by physical or biochemical methods will reduce the incorporation of radionuclides in the plant, or will interrupt the physiological processes during which radionuclides may be stored in the tissue. The probable consequences of such protection include: (i) maintaining acceptable uptake of elements which normally occur in the soil, from which these effects are mainly man-made; (ii) providing an effective and simple means of protecting farmers and their animals in regions where there is a possibility
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