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□ Usage: ※ Follow installation guide of SyncStamper.exe in your local language. ※ When you start SyncStamper, its interface will be the following. ※ To select the language, press the Tab key at the bottom of interface. ※ To click on the words, press left or right key in the arrow button. ※ To execute the drop process, press the Run icon at the top of interface. □ Functions: Get: Gets file times. Set: Sets file times. Sync: Synchronizes file times. Properties: Shows properties of files and directories. □ Fileset Conditions: Delete Set data ※ When “Delete Set data” is checked, file times and path are deleted after synchronization. ※ If checked “Delete Set data,” also the following is applied. Delete Registry Data ※ The path of Set data is deleted from the system registry after synchronization. □ Registration: Delete of Registry Data ※ When “Delete Registry data” is checked, all registry data including file times in target folder are deleted. ※ Because there is no way to check if the file is deleted and the time of registry data are deleted. Therefore, it’s possible that File times are not updated in some files. Repair Registry Data ※ When “Repair Registry data” is checked, all registry data including file times in target folder are repaired. ※ The path of Set data is deleted from the system registry after synchronization. □ Analysis: Creates backup of file times ※ When “Create backup” is checked, Backup is created in folder. ※ If all of “Delete Set data,” “Delete Registry data”, and “Create backup” are checked, it is possible to check if the file is deleted or not. ※ When “Delete Set data,” “Delete Registry data” and “Create backup” are unchecked, it is not possible to check if the file is deleted or not. □ Maintenance: Delete Set Data ※ When “Delete Set data” is checked, the folder file times are deleted when the application is closed. □ Help: ※ To register files and folders on the same path only
(Versions of Windows) · Version 1.2: · Added the function for setting only a part of a file time of a dropped file. · Added the function that displays properties of dropped files. · Changed synchronizing property. · Added a function that causes the synchronizing in ascending order of dictionary order. · Changed the method for trying to set average file times. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0.1 · Added the ability to set properties. · Added the ability to clear text in Get and Set areas. · Added the ability to export and import the properties of the synchronizing. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Added the ability to make a directory drop. · Changed the type of the drop menu that displays when you start the application. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Added a function to set the file times of the file date format. · Added a function that displays a file’s properties. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Added the function to set the file times of the file date format. · Added a function that displays a file’s properties. · Added a function that sets the name of the source and target paths. · Changed the method for trying to set average file times. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Changed the type of the drop menu that displays when you start the application. · Changed the method for trying to set average file times. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Changed the type of the drop menu that displays when you start the application. · Changed the method for trying to set average file times. · Changed the title of the window. · Changed the order of the window. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Added the ability to clear a directory. · Changed the function to set the file times of the file date format. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Added the ability to set the properties of a directory. · Changed the order of the window. · Changed the type of the drop menu that displays when you start the application. (Versions of Windows) · Version 1.0 · Added the ability to clear a directory. · Changed the function to set the file times of the file date format. 2f7fe94e24
・”Syncstamper” is an application that can synchronize file times. This application doesn’t modify system registry. It synchronizes file times of selected files and folders. ・”Syncstamper can synchronize data one by one or synchronize a number of data”. ・”It doesn’t matter which path you choose as source of file to change. It automatically changes the path of target.” ・”You just have to set one or multiple filenames in Get area or Sync area”. ・”When a files times changes, it synchronizes on time interval specified.” ・”You can apply each change or every change at a time or you can apply all of them at once.” ・”After the setting, it can be used as a backup file for some portable devices.” ・”It’s smart and can solve problems. If you want to synchronize file times, it’s smart enough.” ・”If there’s no change, it will not print “The information of file times didn’t change”. ・”You can change times of file. And it will change the times of other objects as well.” ・”You can get and set folder and file times. Also you can get and set the times of files and folders which those times are different or same.” ・”It is free software. Free to use and to distribute. It is a gift.” About the Transfer Unit ・”Transfer Unit” is a feature that allows you to easily transfer information from one portable device to another portable device. ・”It is so handy that you can write your letters or receive and show your messages.” The Syncstamper will be easy to use. Each time it runs, it will automatically synchronize the information that it is intended. If you want to synchronize data in a specific way, you can freely set items in the Get area and Sync area. This is a backup function. If you want to back up files or folders, you can apply this function to any directory. File times are automatically synchronized. And this application is not intended for a computer and it doesn’t change anything in your computer. Using Easy Language * English * Japanese * German * French * Italian * Spanish * Simplified Chinese * Korean * Ukrainian * Chinese-Traditional * Thai * Vietnamese * Turkish * Russian (Note) “Syncstamper” is copyrighted
Get or Sync functions are for obtaining file times from registered items. Set function is for setting average file times of Get data. Properties function is for displaying the properties of items by dropping them into Get area or Sync area. · Features · Auto detection of network paths and folder paths. (Delay time 1.0 sec.) · Support of Windows/Linux/Unix. · Multi-threading. (Variable thread count) · Unicode support. · For beginners. · Reminder: By using Syncstamper, root permission is required. MEMEROOTS is a handy utility to find Memory Leaks. It takes the output of running tasklist.exe and checks it against application, process, and thread user mode memory dumps. If a match is found, it will show you the leak. It currently supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/2003/XP memory dumps. It’s written in C# and is a.NET 3.5 application, so only a Windows Runtime PCL is required to run it. I’d love to get feedback and suggestions on what else can be added to Memeroots or what other memory leaks can be searched for! MEMEROOTS Features: · Auto detection of Memory Dumps · Filter user mode memory dumps by AppID and ProcessID · Shows a summary of leaked memory · Shows the contents of the leak for a given dump · Shows the dump for a given leak · Shows Memory Dump and Leak Paths · Shows the leak by the process name · Automatically creates ZIP Files containing the leak · Automatically shows the new ZIP File in Notepad and sends email to leak address · Automatically unzips the dumped memory to the local machine · Automatically shows the source code and line numbers of the leak · Small memory footprint · Includes GitHub Project and bug tracker. · Compatible with many targets such as AppX, UWP, Metro, Win8, 10, 7, Vista, 2003, XP. Track your application crashes in real-time without the need for manual logging. New to Microsoft Visual Studio and looking for a tool to help you analyze crashes? AppCrashStats is a new crash reporting tool for Windows apps written in.NET. It can automatically report crashes to an instance of CrashViewer and helps your application run much smoother by showing you where crashes occur. AppCrashStats
For Windows users, DirectX9.0c compatible hardware is required for optimal performance. Optimal performance on older hardware may be achieved by lowering the display resolution. For Mac users, high resolution display and display driver are required for optimal performance. To check the graphics hardware and driver information, please follow the instructions below: On Windows PC: Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click System and Security. On Mac: From the Apple menu, click About this Mac. Note: The title bar of the System Information window may not
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