RegDelNull is a command-line tool that helps you searche for and allows you to delete Registry keys that contain embedded-null characters and that are otherwise undeleteable using standard Registry-editing tools. Note: deleting Registry keys may cause the applications they are associated with to fail. Usage: regdelnull [-s] -s Recurse into subkeys. Here’s an example of RegDelNull when used on a system on which the RegHide sample program has created a null-embedded key: C:>regdelnull hklm -s RegDelNull v1.10 – Delete Registry keys with embedded Nulls Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals – www.sysinternals.comNull-embedded key (Nulls are replaced by ‘*’):HKLMSOFTWARESystems InternalsCan’t touch me!*Delete? (y/n) y Scan complete.
## The utility offers a number of scan options, as follows: – Source: Optionally specifies which key to scan; you can select a single or multiple registry keys. If you enter the “*” as the source, it will scan every key in the System (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) hive (the master key) for the current user. Use the “/?” or /? switches to specify different registry hive (sub-key) and registry value to be scanned. In this example, the source-key will be the HKEY_LOCAL
RegDelNull For Windows 10 Crack scans the entire HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion registry tree and all of the subkey trees. It then searches for keys with embedded Nulls and deletes those keys. Nulls are replaced by a ‘*’ character. The ‘*’ is never rendered in the event log or on the hard drive. Locate keys containing embedded Nulls: The RegDelNull command uses a very effective technique to locate these keys. It analyzes each subkey tree in the registry and looks for the presence of embedded Nulls. As each subkey is examined, Nulls are replaced with ‘*’ characters until a key containing one or more embedded Nulls is identified. This command can be called from a batch script. Note: RegDelNull does not attempt to identify the type of embedded Null. It only accepts the existence of embedded Nulls. You can view a list of all keys containing embedded Nulls by executing the RegShow command with the following parameters: -d Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHive hiveValues: NullValuesHIVE You can view the subkeys that RegDelNull will delete by executing the RegDel command with the following parameters: -d Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEDelete: DeletedSubkeys Use RegDelNull to assist with system recovery and to prevent future problems such as Windows 2000 startup problem. Suppress output from the command itself (this is helpful when working in a batch script): The following command suppresses the output from RegDelNull itself: C:\>regdelnull hklm -s >nul 2>&1 The following command suppresses only the error message and allows RegDelNull to continue: C:\>regdelnull hklm -s >nul Note: Running the above command does not prevent applications from failing if there are invalid Registry entries. Commands: RegDelNull displays the following message: RegDelNull v1.10 – Delete Registry keys with embedded Nulls Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals – www.sysinternals.comNull-embedded key (Nulls are replaced by ‘*’):HKLMSOFTWARESystems InternalsCan’t touch me!*Delete? (y/n) y RegDelNull: Delete the ‘HKLMSOFTWARESystem 2f7fe94e24
RegDelNull, Version 1.10, by Mark Russinovich, This program is not associated with any commercial products. It is provided as-is, without any warranty. Please support this program by leaving feedback and telling your friends about it. For more information, please see the RegDelNull readme file.RegDelNull is free software. It is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License. When you receive the program, please feel free to send me email and I will send you the latest version of the GPL. Feedback is also greatly appreciated.Email: Overview This tool allows you to search for and delete Registry keys that contain embedded-null characters and that are otherwise undeleteable using standard Registry-editing tools. Note: deleting Registry keys may cause the applications they are associated with to fail. Usage: regdelnull [-s] -s Recurse into subkeys. Here’s an example of RegDelNull when used on a system on which the RegHide sample program has created a null-embedded key: C:>regdelnull hklm -s RegDelNull v1.10 – Delete Registry keys with embedded Nulls Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals – www.sysinternals.comNull-embedded key (Nulls are replaced by ‘*’):HKLMSOFTWARESystems InternalsCan’t touch me!*Delete? (y/n) y Scan complete. RegDelNull Description: RegDelNull, Version 1.10, by Mark Russinovich, This program is not associated with any commercial products. It is provided as-is, without any warranty. Please support this program by leaving feedback and telling your friends about it. For more information, please see the RegDelNull readme file.RegDelNull is free software. It is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License. When you receive the program, please feel free to send me email and I will send you the latest version of the GPL. Feedback is also greatly appreciated.Email: RegistryfilePvt hklm System Files List*\\Registry Entries* NULL Paths
RegDelNull deletes Registry keys that contain embedded-null characters and that are otherwise undeleteable using standard Registry-editing tools. The key that’s targeted for deletion is given on the command line. You have the option of executing RegDelNull as a command-line program or as a batch file using the -s (Recurse into subkeys) flag. By default, RegDelNull does not backup the Registry keys that are deleted. The -s flag will cause RegDelNull to copy all deleted keys to disk. If the key targeted for deletion is a system-wide key, RegDelNull will stop at HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Systems Policies\ – even if it is a child of the Default key. If the target key does not exist (or is not enabled), this command will silently fail. If the target key is really a parent and not a child, then this command will fail. Specifying a value of null for the key to delete will not actually cause the null to be deleted. Instead, the null-character (hex 2A) will be replaced with a *, and the key will remain on disk, but will be marked as modified, and not truly deleted. Usage Examples: RegDelNull [File] [Target Key][\SubKey] RegDelNull [-s|-c] [File] [Target Key] [-h|-v] Example: C:>regdelnull c:\programdata\people.nul pudda\tea Version: Compiled on Wed Apr 19 09:06:26 2006 Compiled from source code C:> If your ultimate goal is to remove the Registry key (or keys) from disk, then a more robust tool is required. One such tool is RegBack – see the Sysinternals SysInternals Tools page for more details. About Registry Keys: The Windows Registry (Registry) keeps information about your machine. You can think of the Registry as being similar to a “router” with a network address of “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”. The Registry has two logical levels: The first is “zero-based”. In other words, the highest-numbered key in the Registry is called HKLM\Software\Classes
Minimum: OS: Windows 7 (64-bit, SP1) or higher CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66GHz (2.66GHz for Windows 7 Service Pack 1) or faster Memory: 2 GB RAM Video: DirectX 9.0c graphics card DirectX: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card or the latest Direct3D version Hard Disk: 18 GB free space Additional Notes: *The SCA client and the resources on the servers and/
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