Alien Finder is a lightweight and portable application designed to help you calculate the number of highly developed and communicable civilizations in our galaxy. In order to do this, it uses the principle of the Drake equation. It also includes some low level simulations of the Drake equation.
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This is a theme style for Adobe Photoshop. The style is very creative, intended to present a modern style. Note: In order to use the Style, you need to download and extract the “psd” files to the desired folder. In addition to all the standard interface features, the Style comes with some extras, like a customized title bar, a disabled menu bar and status bar with a clock in it. Whatchutalking is a free, easy-to-use and user-friendly chat program for all Microsoft® Windows® platforms. The program features a timer and enables you to schedule your messages on the chat window. The program can be used in web browsers. It lets you quickly create chatting profiles in order to separate individual profiles. The user’s selected contact can be displayed on the chat window, and you can set the contact’s status. The user can type one-line text or draw images, graphics and other visual elements on the chat window. You can easily add tags and related websites to the text, images, and other data you share. Note: In order to use the application, you need to register here. Active Sound Recorder allows you to record audio right away. It’s a handy software tool you can use to record all your favorite audio files. With Active Sound Recorder, you can record various sound sources – be it from a microphone, a CD player, an MP3 player, a public domain DVD player, or from a computer game, browser or any other software. With Active Sound Recorder, you can record from any source, and save them in the format of your choice. The program is intuitive. In addition to the usual recording features, it has a built-in sound recorder with equalizer, volume control, fade effect and a record button. Starting with the Windows XP Service Pack 2, Microsoft removed the control panel for the volume adjustment. You can control volume with the volume mixer, or adjust volume using the Notify control panel. Note: In order to use the application, you need to register here. ImgEdit allows you to edit your image files in various ways, including cropping, rotating, resizing and combining. In addition to basic editing features, you may apply effects to any image, such as luminance, contrast, saturation, sharpening, and so on. It comes with a set of useful brushes for various purposes – such as drawing lines, shadows, adding beveled edges
URList is a lightweight application that allows you to create a list of numbered URLs in common formats. These can be imported by download managers like GetRight or FlashGet. You can easily paste an URL and specify a counter that will replace parts of the address. To generate the importable URL-list you only have to specify the output file and in some cases (GetRight) the destination directory for the files. URList also lets you append the list to an already existing file. With Social Search, you can search the Internet for information using the profiles of your friends and your existing contacts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, and many others). Users can generate an up to date summary of their personal information and connect with the people with whom they have a strong overlap of interests. The program analyzes the connections in your network and lets you build and filter your set of “topics”. It aggregates the information you find on the Web and shows you the results via a personalized interface. It’s a fast and easy way to create your own blog, develop an online diary, generate a personal wikipedia, or combine sources from across the Web. Version 1.5.0 adds categories for certain Social Networks. Windows Phone 7 Social Platform brings powerful social search to Windows Phone 7 and provides you with a simple and fast way to search for information about your friends, follow your friends’ news, engage in real-time conversations, post status updates and comments, and upload photos and videos to your profile. With Social Platform, there is no need to install any other social applications: you can search the web with the same tools as you use to share content on your device. Social Platform empowers you with a number of useful features including: – Social Search using your social network connections – Social RSS Feed Reader for continuous news updates – Share Photos and Videos to social networks – Chat to social network users with Live Chats – Share location to social network users The patent pending Skype Social Platform allows you to easily search the web for information about your friends, follow their updates, engage in real-time conversations, post status updates and comments, upload photos and videos to your profile, and share location with your friends. The process of finding, identifying and engaging with people over a social network has never been easier. Social Platform adds a number of powerful features to the existing Skype functionality: – Social Search using your social network connections – Social RSS Feed Reader for continuous news updates – Share Photos and 2f7fe94e24
In the beginning was the Word, and it was with Him, and He was with God, and God was with Him. John 1:1-2 (King James Version) If you have any problems or questions with Pandora or if you would like to contribute an application to our Todo List just send us an email to: You can help us keeping our list up-to-date by uploading your favorite applications to our website. Download the Complete Pandora Add-on Inventory File If you already have an add-on inventory file, please check whether it’s available in the archive below: Windows File type: Zip Size: 1.4Mb Download: Windows XP users: To prevent the corruption or loss of your files, please refer to our documentation: Note: The archive is only available as a “Download” here. The archive does not contain the installer program for this application. If the program is not listed in the archive, you can follow the installation steps below. Unzip the archive. Run the installer file. You can now enjoy The Complete Pandora Add-on Inventory File. Mac OS File type: Gzip File size: 1.1Mb Download: Mac OS X To prevent the corruption or loss of your files, please refer to our documentation: You can help us keeping our list up-to-date by uploading your favorite applications to our website. Download the Complete Pandora Add-on Inventory File If you already have an add-on inventory file, please check whether it’s available in the archive below: Mac OS File type: Gzip File size: 1.1Mb Download: Linux To prevent the corruption or loss of your files, please refer to our documentation: Download the Complete Pandora Add-on Inventory File If you already have an add-on inventory file, please check whether it’s available in the archive below: Linux File type: Gzip File size: 1.2Mb Download: Our thanks to Portable Save Clipboard Here Admittedly, we have a great many applications that save and convert files for us, but Portable Save Clipboard Here is by far
Savy is a handy and reliable application designed to provide users with easy access to all the screensavers installed on the computer. Savy is a handy and reliable application designed to provide users with easy access to all the screensavers installed on the computer. Savy is a handy and reliable application designed to provide users with easy access to all the screensavers installed on the computer. Savy is a handy and reliable application designed to provide users with easy access to all the screensavers installed on the computer. System Info is a useful application that allows you to understand information about your computer such as hardware configuration, operating system version, device drivers and device list. What’s more, you also get access to the system’s registry keys, hardware properties, and free disk space. System Info also comes with the option of repairing the system or updating it to the latest version. System Info is a reliable and quite useful tool, but it’s not perfect. At present it doesn’t handle.bmp,.emf,.fnt,.gif,.hdr,.ico,.ief,.jpeg,.jpg,.m3u,.m3u8,.pcx,.png,.psd,.tga,.tif, and.txt files, and it doesn’t have the option to select the preferred language, but it has a lot of other options. The program is compatible with Windows 8, 7 and Vista. Java applet is loaded Test: Absolutely required to see the application. The application doesn’t have options for modifying the display or its appearance. The interface could be more user-friendly and we can expect an option to have a view mode where we can switch between displaying the entire content or just the new window. System Info is a useful application that allows you to understand information about your computer such as hardware configuration, operating system version, device drivers and device list. What’s more, you also get access to the system’s registry keys, hardware properties, and free disk space. System Info also comes with the option of repairing the system or updating it to the latest version. Test: Absolutely required to see the application. System Info is a reliable and quite useful tool, but it’s not perfect. At present it doesn’t handle.bmp,.emf,.fnt,.gif,.hdr,.ico,.ief,.jpeg,.jpg,.m3u,.
Minimum: OS: Windows 7/8/10 Processor: Intel Core i3 (2.8GHz), AMD Phenom II X4 965 Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 470 1GB / AMD HD 7870 1GB DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 8 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card Additional Notes: The game is not yet compatible with Intel Graphics cards. Recommended: OS: Windows 7
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