Adds or removes a directory from the enviroment variable PATH.ADD_PATH application was designed to be a small program that adds (or removes) a directory from the environment variable “%PATH%”, so it is possible to execute the programs in that directory from a command prompt without specifying the full path. This program is very useful to add the path of your application during the installation, as, for instance, WinWhois does. Note that under Windows 95/98/Me the variable is updated only after a reboot, under Windows NT the variable is updated immediately but some application could need to be restarted to see the correct variable.
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· Remove the item that has been added from the PATH · Add the item to the PATH Usage: @echo off :: Windows NT4 and higher setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion :: Add to the PATH variable %~n0 application&echo(!path!&goto :eof) :: Remove from the PATH variable :path setlocal disableDelayedExpansion :: Find all the items on PATH and remove them (leave last) for /F “delims=” %%i in (‘set path 2^>nul’) do del “%%i” %~n0 application&echo(!path!&goto :eof) :: Replace remove with add :: If the path that was removed (or added) is the same as the item · in PATH that was just removed (or added), then we do not need to do · anything setlocal enableDelayedExpansion for /F “delims=” %%i in (‘set path 2^>nul’) do ( if “!path:%~n0=%!”==”!path!” ( setlocal disableDelayedExpansion set PATH=%path:%~n0=%! %~n0 application&echo(!PATH!&endlocal&pause&goto :eof) ) else ( setlocal disableDelayedExpansion set “PATH=%PATH:”!PATH!=%~n0″!%” %~n0 application&echo(!PATH!&endlocal&pause&goto :eof) ) ) Caution: You might notice that all the instructions after SETLOCAL disableDelayedExpansion will not have the same effect as SETLOCAL enableDelayedExpansion. For this reason, this script is initially set to enableDelayedExpansion, to do it can always do it afterwards, (there is no difference, so this is a personal choice) If you want to see the full set of variables before running the commands you should remove the SETLOCAL all together, so if you have SETLOCAL that is the best way to know that you are using this kind of operation and not a regular simple Set command. You can run this code
=========== ———————————————————- %PATH% Environment Variable path %PATHEXT% Variable path extension %PROGRAMFILES% Directory where application is installed. / Root directory of your application %CONFIG% Path to your application configuration file Usage: =========== ———————————————————- example: ADD_PATH Activation Code [“C:\Server\Folder1”, “C:\Server\Folder2”, “C:\Server\Folder3”] In this case: If the application (for example Winwhois) is installed in “C:\Server\Folder1” you will have in the command prompt: C:\>winwhois P.S: If you use the program a lot you could put the path in a file, so each time you need it you will run the program with a command like this:require’spec_helper’ if defined?(ActiveRecord::QueryCache) describe ActiveRecord::QueryCache do let(:cache) { } describe ‘#get’ do let(:key) { ‘cache_key’ } subject { cache.get(key) } it { should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation } it { should be_a_kind_of Array } it { should be_empty } it { should be_nil } end describe ‘#insert’ do let(:key) { ‘cache_key’ } before do cache.insert(key, key.to_s) end subject { cache.get(key) } it { should be_a ActiveRecord::Relation } it { should == [key.to_s] } end describe ‘#update’ do let(:key) { ‘cache_key’ } 2f7fe94e24
————– ::add_path::addpath(path) Replaces “path” in the environment variable PATH with “(path)\bin”. Note that if the variable “path” contains another directory, or if the directory pointed by the variable “path” already exists, this command will fail. This program is very useful to add the path of your application during the installation, as, for instance, WinWhois does. Note The value of this environment variable can have different length depending on the os. Acknowlegments I would like to thank jmattheij for his useful contribution with many patches. win32 version You can download from: LINUX version These scripts are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To compile from source: # gcc add_path.c -O3 -o add_path # make # sudo./add_path You can download from: History Version history: 1.0.0 27 Aug 2008 Initial release. Thanks to Jonathan Mattheij for the valuable help with the first version of the script. License This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You can’t distribute this file without a proper license, so please give us credit. We wish to give the authors the credit due to them, so only provide this as a convenience, and not as a means of
Syntax: This will add a directory on the end of the variable PATH. Examples: This program: in the directory that has the extension (.exe) is executing, the program will try to add the directory. if the directory does not exist and the program is currently executed it will add the directory to PATH, with a different color to indicate that the new directory was added. This command: ADD_PATH Revision date: 2012-12-03 NEW FEATURES: NEW FEATURES: NEW FEATURES: Authors: Programmers: (LEEDS) a college of the University of Leeds. (LEEDS) – a college of the University of Leeds. Version history: Version 1.0 Initial release Thanks: (LEEDS) – Alex Gowling Comments: Programmed and tested by the programmer, Last revised on 11/11/2010. Program is created and distributed on a public domain (zlib) license. Contact: Last update: (LEEDS) – Alex Gowling Your feedback: (LEEDS) – Alex Gowling Last change: (LEEDS) – Alex Gowling 12/11/2010, 11:01:11AM Version 2.0 Initial release Thanks: Programmed and tested by the programmer, Last revised on 11/11/2010. Program is created and distributed on a public domain (zlib) license. Contacts: Last update: (LEEDS) – Alex Gowling 4/6/2013, 14:59:52AM Version 3.0 Initial release Thanks: Programmed and tested by the programmer, Last revised on 3/6/2013. Program is created and distributed on a public domain (zlib) license. Contacts: (LEEDS) a college of the University of Leeds. Version history: Version 1.0 Initial release thanks: Programmed and tested by the programmer, last revised on 3/6/2013. Program is created and distributed on a public domain (zlib) license. contacts:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Processor: Intel Pentium 1.6 GHz Memory: 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended) Video: DirectX 9 Compatible Video Card Free HDD space: 50MB Connections: DirectX: Version 9.0c Sound: Supported Recommended: Keyboard, Mouse Internet: Broadband connection Hard Drive: 500 MB available space Screenshots: XKCD 3×3 Rubik’s Cube
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