GridLAB-D is a reliable, useful and effective application designed to provide valuable information to users who design and operate distribution systems. GridLAB-D incorporates an extensive suite of tools to build and manage studies and analyze results, including: Agent-based and information-based modeling tools that allow users to create detailed models of how new end-use technologies, distributed energy resources (DER), distribution automation, and retail markets interact and evolve over time. Tools to create and validate rate structures, examine consumer reaction, and verify the interaction and dependence of programs with other technologies and wholesale markets Interfaces to industry-standard power systems tools and analysis systems. Extensive data collection tools to permit a wide variety of analyses.
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The GridLAB-D software is designed to provide the tools and support to evaluate planned distributed energy and electric distribution system (DS) projects, as well as to conduct assessments of electric distribution systems (EDS), to develop and support DS planning, to plan the development of DS operations, to design distributed energy resources, and to design and operate DS. GridLAB-D supports a variety of typical distribution system applications, including planning, design, operation, and planning. GridLAB-D also supports planning for the integration of energy resources such as distributed generation (DG), renewable energy, DER, demand-side management (DSM), and active power management. The software incorporates a comprehensive suite of tools for distributed energy resources (DER), including a wide variety of equipment (e.g., electric load control, electric vehicles, smart appliances, and building energy management systems), and a wide variety of market-based technologies (e.g., demand-side management programs, incentive-based renewable energy and distributed energy resources, and electric vehicles). Some key features include: Validation of more than 50 different components of the grid, including an extensive interaction with the market interface. Analysis of more than 20 scenarios that explore the market interface and the interaction between EDS components and DER. Validation of several demonstration projects for grid planning and design. Solutions for more than 40 scenarios that demonstrate the application of distributed energy resources in the electric distribution sector. Support for functions for planning, design, operation, and maintenance of a comprehensive range of distributed energy resources, as well as the integration of these resources into the grid. Real-time capability to allow for simulation of control system operations. Industry-standard interfaces, including the API of the MATLAB® platform. The patented Scenario Manager and high-speed scheduling feature, which can improve the quality of simulation. The ability to perform advanced studies including performance sensitivity, user preferences, investment cost, and incremental annual operational savings. Distribution System Generation and Consumption Functions: GridLAB-D includes an ensemble of generic and distribution system dependent functions to handle distribution system generation and distribution system consumption. The GridLAB-D Generation and Consumption (G&C) Function group contains three types of functions: DC-Bus Generation: Functions to generate household power loads. DC-Bus Consumption: Functions to consume household power loads. Distribution System Consumption: Function to generate DG power, PV power, and storage power. Distribution System Generation:
*Agent-based studies for public utilities *Analysis of rate structures, consumer reaction and cost-benefit impact *Interactive design, technology, and market development tools *Intelligent analysis: automatic discovery and analysis of results *Map-based design, display, and analysis *Public utilities, rural utilities and power producers *Multiple levels of analysis from system-wide to granular device level *Extensive database of U.S. electric grid with dynamic topology, geography, and customer demographics *Fully functional web page based user interface with periodic automated updates This is a free trial that allows only 30-days use by each user. Please review the following terms and click on ‘I Agree to these Terms’ below to proceed with the download and installation of GridLAB-D Download With Full Crack Tabletop Simulator (formerly Temptation Simulators) is a computer simulation program that allows users to interact with virtual business environments including working with customers, running recruitment drives, cooking the books and coming up with new products. Tabletop Simulators Description: *Complete and accurate representation of a physical board *Customizable, high resolution 3d maps with custom materials and lighting *Customizable real world objects that can be interacted with *Customizable in-game clock *More than 50 built-in jobs (including two restaurant jobs) *Ability to use desktop as basis for your board. You can move, scale, rotate and drag the desktop virtually anywhere. Tabletop Simulators comes with no pre-built menus, music, sounds or any other UI elements. This is a free trial version, and the final version is only $29.95 USD. The Essential Guide to Virtual Retail: Getting Started, Becoming a Success, and Enjoying the Journey will teach you how to plan, develop, and implement a new or existing virtual retailing opportunity. You will learn to evaluate current, as well as possible future, virtual retail opportunities. You will also learn about new products, industry trends, and how to develop and implement effective business strategies that maximize your profits. Virtual hospitality, an eCommerce platform for dining Source: Please contact us for a custom quote. Tabletop simulator Tabletop simulator is a computer simulation software that allows users to engage in commercial, gaming and educational activities. It is currently developed by Temptation Simulators. Tabletop simulator is a point of sale (POS) alternative to plastic play money. It offers 02dac1b922
GridLAB-D is an integrated solution that is easy to use and has a low learning curve. In addition, users can import their own models and analysis tools as needed. GridLAB-D is designed to operate with up to 20,000 consumers. While GridLAB-D is designed to be used primarily as an integrated solution, users can import data on demand and run their own analyses. Since its inception, GridLAB-D has been continually developed and improved. Over the past five years, GridLAB-D has evolved from a simple data collection and end-user to an end-to-end solution that meets the needs of the modern energy manager. GridLAB-D is a true free-form model creation and analysis platform. In other words, GridLAB-D provides users with a wide variety of modeling and analysis tools that are easy to use and understand and allow users to easily create models without having to know a programming language. As a result, a user can import their own models and analysis tools as needed. In addition, GridLAB-D is designed to operate with up to 20,000 consumers. Users can export models for import in other simulation platforms. In fact, GridLAB-D contains an extensive set of tools that can be imported for use in other simulation platforms. Format GridLAB-D is a simulation and information-based analysis platform and is organized into five modules: Data Collection (DCC) — Includes a data collection module for active measurement of consumption, location, and source, and visualization of consumption in rate, event, or timeline form. Depending on the tool, DCC can also collect and store point measurements, aggregated results of measurements, and reports on active and on-demand meter state. The Grid Distribution Module (GD) — Uses a simulation algorithm to model the distribution grid and the use of end-use technologies. The module includes a tool to simulate load growth over time, rate structure changes, and technology adoption, as well as the evolution of power quality. The Technology Management Module (TMM) — Includes a tool to manage and deploy distributed generation (DG). The Consumer Decision Module (CDM) — Includes tools to analyze the consumer choice of rate, delivery, energy efficiency, and technology adoption. These tools allow the user to define consumer choice functions and then generate and analyze consumer response to rate, energy, and other incentives. The Financial Modeling Module (FMM) — Includes a full variety of calculation, payment
GridLAB-D is a suite of tools to build, analyze, and validate the behavior of distribution systems. It provides the basic modeling capability to describe the electrical properties of a grid and to explore how well the grid will meet the demands of its users. GridLAB-D includes three applications: GridLAB-D Open Architecture Package The Open Architecture Package (OAP) is designed to be user-configurable to allow a variety of applications to build, analyze, and validate the behavior of distribution systems. The OAP is modular and designed to support the development of new applications and the addition of new features to existing applications. However, the major function of the OAP is to provide a standard interface to the three applications developed under the GridLAB-D project. The OAP has been developed around a powerful, object-oriented grid architecture that supports data exchange between the applications, simplifies the development of new applications, and enhances data security. The OAP uses a set of object classes, defined in core classes, to represent electrical components and their interconnections. Core classes define functional objects with well-defined attributes and interfaces. The OAP defines the standard components that are fundamental to distribution system simulation and analysis. Some of the common components that are defined are: Breaks: Includes breakers, substations, and load tap changers. Rampers: A block of equipment that regulates the current flow through a piece of equipment. Conductor losses: Used in calculating the power consumed by a distribution system. The amount of loss per unit distance is typically defined based on the conductor material and diameter and may be expressed as an amount of power lost per unit length. Lights: A block of equipment that measures and records the voltage and power supplied by a piece of equipment. Distribution transformers and transformers used for distribution system measurements Lines: Represent lines, overhead and buried. Sources: Imposed currents are represented as injected currents into the grid. Loads: Represent loads on the grid. Transformer tap: A tap is a physical connection that allows a distribution transformer to make direct contact with the electric grid. Voltage: Represent voltage measurements of either the grid or the distribution network. Power: Represent reactive power, active power, and apparent power. Sizing: Defined as a method of sizing power systems. Load Fitting: Used to validate the behavior of a distribution system. The OAP also defines interfaces to
1. Be sure to have a minimum 1GB RAM and at least 100MB free space. 2. Must have at least 4GB disk space (for install and data backup) You will need to have administrative access to your windows PC to install the program. 3. Must have a sound card (not recommended with headphones, but works with external speakers) 4. I prefer using Windows 7, Vista or Windows 8 if you want to run Wintune. The program will work on Windows XP, but I have not tested it.
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