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What is a good pdf application? A: What you are looking for is called a text editor. If you search for a text editor on the web, you will get quite a few programs that does pretty much the same thing. Of course, what you need is a “better” one. Your ideal text editor is one that: Allows you to place text in a layout (including page templates and grids), Allows you to place text within graphics, Allows you to place text within tables (and tables within grids), Allows you to save texts into the text editor (attach it to an email, attach it to a post, save it on a web page), Allows you to export the text (not just text but the table, the graphic, etc.) as a PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, CSV, TEXT, EMAIL, etc., Allows you to open the text editor to be able to edit it, Allows you to save the last edit of the text (that’s what you should do, you don’t want the last edit sent if a button is pressed, you want the last edit). Allows you to search through the text (by searching, not by line, by words, by paragraphs, by text, etc.), Allows you to edit graphic layouts (text inside a box, an image within a box, etc.). In the end, the program should allow you to do the following: Edit text Edit graphics Edit tables Export (cited in HTML, CSV, DOC, PDF, etc.) Open text (you want to see that text) Also, if the program is able to edit a PDF file or a DOC file, it’s a plus. But take note, if the program doesn’t allow all those things (like edit a PDF file, for example), then the program isn’t that good (or it’s just for people that want to paste things in the program, it’s not a page editor like Photoshop, for example). At the end, you should be able to edit an image (if you can edit an image, you can open an image and edit the text inside that image or inside a table), save a text as a page or as an email, save a page as a PDF, save a document as a PDF, save a spreadsheet as a DOCX, etc., so I guess you should be able to save a graphic, save a

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