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Kamus Jamak Taksir Pdf Download
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Difference between a reference and a pointer, and how to make it crash.
void funct1(int *p)
int x = 5;
*p = 10; // reference
“, x); // reference
“, *p); // reference
“, x); // reference
“, *p); // reference
“, &x); // reference
“, &p); // reference
“, &x); // pointer, no reference
“, &p); // reference
“, &x); // pointer, no reference
void funct2(int *p)
int x = 5;
p = 10; // pointer
“, x); // reference, p is now 10
“, *p); // reference, p is now 10
“, x); // reference, p is now 10
“, *p); // reference, p is now 10
int main()
int x = 10;
int *p = &x;
So my question is why do these programs output the same thing, so I ran them with valgrind, and it said they’re the same, but it shouldn’t right? Because in funct1 I’ve assigned the reference to p to point to the same address as x, but in funct2 I’ve set the pointer to p to point to the same address as x (which should be 10). So the output is still the same as if I do funct1 before funct2, and it should not be the same because I’ve set the pointer to 10 and the reference to 5, not 5.
So how can
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